Health & Wellness Centre, located in the Koffler Student Centre
416-978-8030, info.hwc@utoronto.ca
Currently offering virtual appointments, call 416-978-8030 to schedule one.
The official UofT Health & Wellness Centre provides services for both physical and mental health, and hosts workshops that help students manage various aspects of the stress of university.
The centre’s page, here, specifies what it offers – there’s a lot, including certain immunizations, sexual health consultations, and nutrition counseling.
U of T My Student Support Program (My SSP)
1-844-451-9700 – outside of North America, call 001-416-380-6578.
Good2Talk Student Helpline
U of T My SSP and Good2Talk are chat systems that provide students with confidential, free, 24-hour support. Specifically, My SSP is for any school, health, or general life concern, and Good2Talk provides counselling for mental health and addiction.
Gerstein Crisis Centre
A 24-hour community based centre, specifically for those who are in crisis due to mental health issues or substance use. Plus, they’re starting a free 10 week Wellness Support Group on October 14th! Register here.
An anonymous, online peer-to-peer support community, Togetherall focuses on more common and more insidious mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. The platform offers assistance for individuals at risk, but is designed for those who have a mild to moderate need for support.
Distress Centres of Greater Toronto
416-408-HELP (4357)
The DCoGT offer chat lines for people experiencing various difficulties, from general mental health concerns, to multilingual support and programs for those who are survivors of suicide or homicide.
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
416-535-8501, press 2
CAMH is located on Spadina, minutes away from campus: the centre offers many services, and specifically critical mental health assistance, for various mental disorders and substance use.
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is a national service that offers anonymous, free counselling, 24/7 through text, on the phone, or on their website.
ConnexOntario provides free and confidential 24/7 health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness and/or gambling. This service is accessible by email, by phone, or online.
Crisis Services Canada (Canada Suicide Prevention)
CSS is a national network of various crisis helplines. They specialize in supporting those who are affected by suicide, whether it is internal thoughts, concern for someone else, or loss due to suicide.
Assaulted Women’s Helpline
The AWHL offers a 24-hour telephone crisis line to all women who have experienced abuse, providing counselling, emotional support, information and referrals. Over 200 languages are supported, and the system is completely confidential.
Central Intake Shelter (Housing)
This is the centralized system for city-managed temporary shelters, where homeless individuals can go to determine their next steps.